
1 Belian- The class that unites!
Yes, it's time for a change.
We are scrambled up and we are not going to meet the same faces in the same class anymore.
But, please leave a message here, showing that you are one of the Belianers.
A bunch of good students formed 1 Belian.
A little change for the better.

The ultimate chat box

8:29 PM

Who am I?

Guess wo??
Am I Stephanie?
Am I Nicholas?
Am I Justin?
Guess wo?
Am I Marcus?
Am I Nicole?
Am I Christopher?
Am I Erica?
Am I Hazel?
Guess wo?

So, who am I?
I'll give u a clue.

I'm a person wo's ot very tall,
My name goes with nut, (dis is obvious)
Wo am I?
It does goes wit nut right?
Hazel nut..

I know the clue doesn't ryhme.
Anyway, did ya'll know dat have to come back to schl on the 30th of December to know which class you're in?
Long huh.
Anyway, how's holidays?
Having fun?