
1 Belian- The class that unites!
Yes, it's time for a change.
We are scrambled up and we are not going to meet the same faces in the same class anymore.
But, please leave a message here, showing that you are one of the Belianers.
A bunch of good students formed 1 Belian.
A little change for the better.

The ultimate chat box

8:47 PM

Guess what?

Guess what???

There are sooo many birthday's on September! But the most recent ones are Calvin and.... ?

Lee Pei Yan!

Which means LEE PEI YAN!!

I'm not that a big fan of hers... but her birthday is on September 20th, which is a SATURDAY! so if u wanna, just splash her on friday or monday.

from: the secretive me.

from: stephanie