
1 Belian- The class that unites!
Yes, it's time for a change.
We are scrambled up and we are not going to meet the same faces in the same class anymore.
But, please leave a message here, showing that you are one of the Belianers.
A bunch of good students formed 1 Belian.
A little change for the better.

The ultimate chat box

11:17 PM

Have you all read the latest news on the papan kenyataan??
Maybe not..
Anyway, let me tell you..
it's not about paper..
it's not about tisue..
it's about CLOTH...
Old cloth....

Ok, you might think, so..what about the cloth..for wat 1??
Well, it's to wipe the windows...
have u notice how dirty it is!!
Well, not me..i don't sit near windows...
Anyway, if anyone got old cloth, derma lar.. if u want...
One of these days, you might see someone wiping the windows with tisu or some other stuff.
or maybe you already seen it...
Anyway, so if got maybe pass it to ketua class or penolong...